Superior's 1 to 1 Program
Our District is proud to support a 1 to 1 device program for all students K-12! All means all in Superior.
Our students in grade K-2 use a Microsoft Surface Go. Students is grades 3-8 use an HP Probook G3/G5 model with touchscreen. Our high school students have a higher powered HP laptop.
Parents and Students are able to view and agree to the 1 to 1 Contracts via PowerSchool Enrollment during our Back to School registration. This process has turned into an almost completely paperless system!
To view the contract for the 2020-2021 school year please click HERE.
The School District of Superior purchases Accidental Damage Protection for all 1 to 1 devices. We understand that accidents happen! If a device is lost or stolen the student will incur a replacement cost. Find more information and specifics HERE.