Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

In the School District of Superior we know that all means all...every student, every day.  Our Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Department provides for all students in the following ways:
  • We apply research-based, reflective, and responsive practices to make informed decisions that positively impact student learning.
  • We provide differentiated professional learning opportunities for all staff.
  • We utilize continuous improvement processes to constantly ensure that all students can learn and achieve at their highest levels possible.



For questions please contact us by phone at 715-394-8714

    spartan head

Department Staff

Crystal Hintzman
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Ext. 10107

Kate Tesch
Director of Continuous Improvement and Assessment
Ext. 10105

Emily Yrjanainen
Technology Clerk
Ext. 10105

Christy Willmore
Executive Assistant, Department of Teaching & Learning
Ext. 10154

Phone: (Main) 715-394-8700
             (Direct) 715-394-8714
Fax: 715-394-8708