Report a Concern
During this difficult time, we understand that as a parent/guardian taking a bigger role in your student’s education you may have concerns. The Superior School District is committed to communicating and working with you and your family. If you are encountering:
- Trouble communicating with staff
- Technology issues
- Concerns regarding instructional materials or services
- Challenges meeting the needs of your student with an IEP
- Concerns about graduation requirements, transcripts, or transition to college
- Difficulties engaging in educational responsibilities due to your living situation
- Questions about grades, transition to middle and high school next year, services, tests, etc.
You are not alone. Teachers, counselors, and school/district staff are here to help. Most situations are easy to resolve if they are addressed promptly. Please report any concerns NOW, do not wait!
The Superior School District strives to respond to stakeholders' concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In the Superior School District, the chain of command refers to communication levels of authority in the school district. The district institutes the chain of command to provide stakeholders at all levels with a person they may ask questions or report complaints. This process allows for an efficient tool that provides a roadmap when reporting concerns or communicating with school staff members.